(Multifunction Bratt Pan)
Frybrat can be used for
- Broths
- Rice
- Pasta
- Fish
- Vegetables
- Meat balls
- Omelette
- Mirepoix
- Pastries
Related Process
- Boiling
- Braising
- Frying
Versatile cooking system
The multi-function FRYBRAT bratt pan is a professional device able to cook, braise and fry medium or small amounts of food in a short time. This versatile cooking system with compact dimensions, includes the possibility of countertop installation and is really easy to use, so much so that it is seen as an indispensable tool in every kind of environment.Multipurpose equipment for a truly professional kitchen
Thanks to the power used and the temperatures that can be reached by this equipment, Frybrat can also work as a fry-top serving, if necessary, as a valuable aid in the handling of extraordinary workloads.View more about Frybrat on main site